Tag Archives: thriving

Models’ Search – Femme PinUps!!!


The Blac Gurlz Ink Babes are excited to announce our next Models’ Search for our upcoming series…

Femme PinUps!

Submission Period: March 5, 2010 thru April 24, 2010

We are looking for members of the LGBT community who express the feminine aspect of the spectrum and want to share it with the WORLD!!!

How do YOU express “femme”?!

Sexy? Geeky? Large & in Charge? Quiet Church-mouse? How about Naughty School Gurl or BabyGurl? Better yet, Grown & Sexy or Bombshell? You get the idea – the list is endless!

Whatever it is…Bring It!

This Model Search is open the ENTIRE LGBT COMMUNITY!!!

Blac Gurlz Ink is proud to feature REAL members from our community and we won’t ever use “professional models” to act the part. With this premise in mind, we’re sending out a call for YOU to come and REPRESENT – show us, and the world, what you’re working with!! Haha!

Here’s what we need from you:

*2 Photos – showing us your “best” side
*1 paragraph telling us why you’d like to be a Blac Gurlz Ink Femme PinUp!

All components are required to be considered for the photo shoot.

Again, the Submission Period is: March 5, 2010 thru April 24, 2010.

Send your submissions to: bgicasting@hotmail.com or hit our website: www.blacgurlzink.com – click on the “Community” tab and complete the online form. Easy!!

We look forward to receiving your submissions and Thank You!

The Babes!!

Making Our Mark in 2010!


Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you all have BIG plans for 2010 and that you tackle them with vim and vigor!

I took the last few weeks of ’09 off to reflect on the accomplishments of the passing year and to set realistic goals for Blac Gurlz Ink for 2010!

It is my intent to leave a most memorable and positive mark via Blac Gurlz Ink on the World and I trust that all is in order to continue to make that happen as 2010 unfolds!

In 2009 I was fortunate to have developed some amazing partnerships, create many inspirational networks and to muster up the gumption to bring Blac Gurlz Ink into fruition.

I had so much support and I want to send a shout out to Lahle Wolfe, of About.com – Women in Business for doing a story on us.  I met Lahle via Help A Reporter Out (HARO) and she “tracked” us pretty much at our inception.

Our story: Women in Business Success Story – Blac Gurlz Ink: How an Idea for Greeting Cards Became a Successful Business, was one of the best gifts I received in 2009 — and there were a few!

I look forward to my continued relationship with many of you and to walk…if not but for a short while, with some of you, as we make our way to the lives we wish to lead.

I will be 50 in 2010 and I think that it is going to be another amazing year and so onward I go…to leave my mark — “traveling Light to travel faster” as my Granddaddy would say — haha!

Wishing you all positive abundance and wonder-filled adventure in 2010!

Making it a Great Life!

Supreme Challenger of the Status Quo!

Spring Opara
Blac Gurlz Ink

It’s Raining In London Today

The View from My Window

The View from My Window

The weather during this journey has been simply marvelous but this morning I woke to rain which is so appropriate right now…a cleansing rain.

This has been an amazing  journey for me — the first in my 49 years on this planet where I have taken something on solely FOR ME and the energy around that has been amazing, revealing, surprising and well…all I can do is count my blessings.

Blac Gurlz Ink(BGI) turned 1 yr on Oct. 10th and to already be at a point where we are actually going into overseas markets to promote our greeting cards…well, that usually takes place in years 3 thru 5 of a business!  So for us to be at this point now…I KNOW I am blessed.

It has been hard work, long hours, sleepless nights and tons of prayer to get BGI here and as the Supreme One, I have to thank all of the Angels who have “stepped up to the plate” to actively help me make this dream possible.

Total strangers have been supportive of me and that has been my biggest blessings.  I truly had to surrender to Spirit and to allow those who “needed” to get to me…to get to me…as someone who I consider a good friend said to me…”let us help you…we ARE and CHOOSE to be YOUR Angels.”

So as I sit in my quaint little room (space is premium in these here parts…haha!) I reflect on what I

My Room

My Room

asked Mother/Father God for…to be successful as defined by Me — which has way more to do with the “quality” of My Life than it does the money I make.  I asked for support, to be surrounded by those who are positive and loving influences, to have doors just fly open — haha! and of course to make tons of money so that I can provide for me, those I consider to be My Tribe and to be a good ambassador for my community.

Im off to Paris in a few days and in this moment of reflection…I am utterly content and absolutely grateful for each and every moment that has passed and the exciting ones yet to come…and so it is…

“its not the rain that makes you sad…its raining because you are sad” MIB2

My Tribe


On any given day I can be surrounded by my Tribe. My Tribe consists of people who we’ve agreed that we are family and are not necessarily related by blood. This group has really supported me through a lot and today I spent some time helping one clean an art studio we share and just chillaxin with my wife and our best friend (also a member of our Tribe).

It made me think tonight about how I can’t wait until we have enough cash to buy the compound we all want and envision in various ways. How we will bring some, cuz not all may be feasible, of the ideas to fruition is a wonderful journey. The collective manifesting of my Tribe has drawn people from all walks of life…entrepreneurs, crafts people, artists, 9-5’er’s, farmers and students…its an amazing collective and what makes it so amazing to me is that we’re all WOMEN!

We currently all live in separate abodes and that’s why we want a compound — separate houses, but on the same land. Grow our own food, run e-businesses, community meals and projects, travel and just thriving is the DREAM! The “static” of the world can be overbearing and I think the reason we’ve all come together is to create that quiet space where we can all breathe.

A residual effect of all of this is — as a collective we are stronger in so many ways that individually would be more of a challenge.

Everyday we get closer and closer to bringing it HOME! As their fearless leader…staying positive and focused is imperative…Lead by Example…yes, Lead by Example.

Supreme One out…fade to black

A Sense of Community


Can I just say that I learned alot from SF Pride and I learned it quick.  It was a wonderful event to have our “cherry popped” as Joshua said —  “Oh you gals are SF Pride virgins (as far as vending…hahaha!) so POP goes your cherry” hahaha!

I embrace my anal, Type A personality and I like to prep far in advance so that when its time to perform…I’m on point…Thank you US Air Force and Veronica C. Combs.  They taught me the discipline I now have and I don’t fret because I KNOW I can do it.  I’m so excited about all of the Pride events we will attend this year and those yet to come…woohoo! Look out world here come the Blac Gurlz Ink Babes!

The Tribe is more actively thinking of the compound…manifest ya’ll, manifest!  And I think the business needs a VW bus, the 2009 model so we can truly be the gypsies that we are.  Roaming from Pride event to Pride event…like the Grateful Dead followers…bahaha!

Amongst the Tribe there’s talk about ATV’s and the upper north forty which takes a couple of hours to navigate.  A huge main house and fields of vegetables and fruit orchards and the hiring of locals to work the field and in addition to paying them, giving them a small piece of land to garden for their families upkeep!  We are all happy doing the things we LOVE vs those viewed as necessary by society…no we’re not anarchist…quite the contrary!  We just KNOW that there are enough resources on the planet for ALL of us to thrive and we’re hell bent on sharing and thriving…yessireebubba!

See my Tribe is all about community and believes that everyone can eat and that’s what Monterey Pride means to me…sharing and supporting community by just showing up and being positive…showing up is 80% of anything we do, make being positive the remaining 20% and I think you have a winning combo, thus…Life is a piece of cake.

I was so excited at how the connection between Blac Gurlz Ink & PMC happened…we were out building community and ran into this amazing group!  I have personally placed on the Universe to be able to roll with the Pride circuit and visit all the homo’s on an annual basis…I love being queer,  gay, a freakin human who has the free will of choice and I dont care…being a lesbian amongst family around this time of year is something I thrive for.

So Im off to manifest the van, love, adventure and mucho, mucho cash, so that we can continue to be out in the energy of Pride!

Look out Monterey Pride…the Blac Gurlz Ink Babes are coming to party with you gals like it’s 1999…Prince is gay…hahaha!

The Supreme One out…fade to black